Sunday, December 19, 2010

How to become Millionaires

Guest Author: Wallace

1) Millionaires always have the vision at the end of the mind: all millionaires see what they want at the end of the mind and this makes it easier for them when it comes to bringing to life what they have already materialized. Their vision is already at the end of the mind and they work towards that and not anything else so we should also do the same. Materializing our dreams is very easy; it’s only picturing what we want. Materializing one’s dreams motivates and assures the person of what he wants.

Comparison Search Engines: Average Monthly Tra...Image by Matthieu Dejardins, eCommerce Activist via Flickr2) Millionaires don’t sell what they have, they sell what people need: there is a great difference between millionaires and the common person, why do you have to give a consumer what he already has or what he doesn’t need? Millionaires examine their opportunities very carefully so that they can be able to beat competition that is all over. Millionaires sell goods or services that the consumers really need and cannot do without. Look for opportunities that will generate income even if the country is not doing well economically. Look for necessities.

3) Millionaires always act as if it is impossible to fail: millionaires’ already have it in their minds that they are not failures. Millionaires are well prepared and ready to become millionaires so in everything that they do, they always make sure that they are prepared to be winners and the thoughts make them winners. Winning is not an option it is why they go into the race in the first place so that they can be winners.

4) Millionaires know how to defend what they believe: millionaires are the first supporters of their opinions and they always think that their opinions are the right ones before they consult anybody else. Become a supporter of your own opinion because if you don’t believe in your own opinion then nobody else will believe in it. Have courage in your thoughts and you will go far. Be sure that whatever you are doing feels right according to you and then throw it to the crowd and you will go far. Defend what you believe in.

5) Millionaires treat other people like first class people: the worst mistake you can ever make in this world is treating other people like second class people. Pride lifts us up only to let us down so you should be very careful the way you treat others. We were brought to this world without anything, all that we have is provided by God and He can as well take it away and give it to the one who doesn’t have. Make sure that you do well to people and whatever you do to others will be done to you ten times more. Givers are gainers.

6) Millionaires are never afraid of doing what they do best: each one of us is born with a talent; there is what I can do best. You can always use your talent to make money so never be afraid of doing what you do best. People might criticize you but you are your own man. You are the one who knows what you do best and why you do it. Build on that and make sure that you do it to your level best and it will take you to places that you have never even dreamed of.
7) Millionaires always become what they think: most people don’t know that their thoughts are the core of everything that they are, whatever one brings into reality must have had it as a thought before that. They first of all materialize it in the mind and later they set out to get it. Millionaires begin by knowing what they want; you have to materialize your dream so that you can make it to come true.

8) Millionaires never let their limiting beliefs kill their dreams: dreams are like eggs, they can be easily broken and can rot very fast too if they are contaminated by anything so they have to be taken care of pretty well. We all have dreams and the worst thing that can ever happen to them is to destroy them. Dreams are the ones who make us who we are and without them we are unable to materialize them. If you are unable to materialize your dreams then your outcome will as well be empty or not what you wanted. Never let anything kill your dreams because dreams are there to be brought into reality. Keep them safe and don’t let anybody bring them down.

9) Millionaires stay away from those small minds that always try to lower their ambitions: ambitions are the same as dreams, if you don’t take care of them they might as well be crashed by those people who don’t want you to grow. Small minds think small and what they like most is similar thoughts, they can do anything to make sure that they limit your thoughts so that you can be of the same kind so be aware of those minds that come to limit yours.

opportunity mapImage by Katiekills via Flickr
10) Millionaires make sure that their work is of good quality so that they can reduce quality rework: millionaires make sure that whatever they do come out the best so that they don’t have to go back there again and do the same thing. They might take long to finish their work but this adds up to good quality work and they avoid repeating what they have already done. Make sure that whatever you do, you do it to your best level so that you can avoid repeating it. Repeating it just wastes time and resources.

11) Millionaires think from their dreams and not of their dreams: thinking from your dreams is very different from thinking of your dreams though both of them are advantageous to the millionaires. Millionaires think in terms of a dream that has already come true, they budget for what they don’t have as if it’s going to be there the next minute. They think that they have already gotten what they are searching for. When they want to build a house they don’t see themselves building the house they see themselves living in that house that is to be built. They think as if the dream has already come true.

12) Millionaires consider patience as genius: most people don’t have patience. Patience is a gift that is greatly required in business. Most choices made by millionaires are risks that need to be carefully evaluated and looked at. All that takes time and requires careful examinations. If you want to become a millionaire you must make sure that you practice patience as your best gift. Practice it because it does not come easy.

13) Millionaires go for what they want: millionaires are not people who mostly depend on luck. The word maybe is not in their vocabulary. Millionaires have what they want at the end of the mind and that is what they go for without any doubt. You should be prepared to go for what you want and not depend on luck. You should make sure that when you begin the searches of what you want then you end up with it.
Serious MoneyImage via Wikipedia
14) Millionaires don’t look at where they have been but where they are heading: millionaires were not born millionaires, they are not born they are made. All of us have a story to give and mostly where we have come from is not good but
why don’t we look at where we are heading? Most of us let the past happenings affect our future. The bad past makes us believe that we can never change or nothing good can come from us. It’s time we started thinking of the good that can come from us. God did not create us to become failures but winners so no matter what we should always know that we are in the winning team.

15) Millionaires enjoy what they have so that they can be happier with more: if you don’t enjoy what you have now, how can you enjoy more? Be happy with what you have and be thankful for it so that God can give you more. All of us want abundance but it will only come when we learn to appreciate what we have. Be happy and enjoy the little that you have. Work a little harder so that you can get more and enjoy that too.

16) Millionaires not only do things right, they do the right things too: they make sure that they do the right things and not things right. Doing the right thing makes sure that you get what you have fairly without hurting anybody at all. Millionaires make sure that they don’t bang the door behind them because they might want to go back through that door. Make sure that though your journey of success you do the right things and correctly so that you can be blessed and not curry a lot of guilt on your shoulders. Make sure that you never get to pay for any wrong doing.

17) Millionaires are always thankful to God: God is the giver of everything and whatever he gives, he gives with love. No matter how much little you have, appreciate for it. Not many people have what you have but the fact remains that we all have a common giver who is God and we should always be thankful to him for what he has provided for us. Never underestimate what God gives you; He might be planning to triple that tomorrow.

18) Millionaires never under estimate their worth: you are worth so much and you know it. You can do so much if only you believe in yourself enough. Never underestimate what you can do because nobody else has your special gift. We are all unique in our own ways and we should try as much as we can and practice our uniqueness so that we can see where it takes us. Never underestimate your worth; you can do so much more.

19) Millionaires create multiple streams of income: all millionaires club have a back up business that they can look at when things get a little difficult, they have two or more businesses that they can always get their income form if one is not doing okay. They always make sure that they have multiple incomes so that they can support each other when one of them is not doing well. It is very important to have such incomes so that you never have to eat into your assets when you have a necessity; the profit from the different income generating streams is enough to cover that.

20) Millionaires enrich themselves while enriching others: the secret behind receiving is giving. You must give in order to receive. Most millionaires are ready to help and give to those who don’t have or those who are less fortunate. Giving is receiving, you give and then you receive. Make sure that you give/ share what you have. Be ready to help out and you will see how you will be blessed by God.

21) Millionaires always believe that they are worth becoming millionaires: to become a millionaire you have to believe that you are worth becoming one. God gives us what we want and ask from him so we should be ready to become what we want. Millionaires believe that they only have to become millionaires and so they work towards that. That makes it all easy because they know what they want and they are ready to become that. Believe that you are worth becoming a millionaire and you will become one, your thoughts are very important.

22) Millionaires have mentors: a mentor is someone that is there to teach you what you do not know; a mentor is meant to fill in the gaps that you yourself cannot fill. All millionaires have learnt to become millionaires from somebody who is already a millionaire. You should have somebody to teach you what you do not know. We are all learners and we have to learn something from somebody so we should have somebody or something to learn from. A mentor doesn’t have to be a person; it can be a book or even an experience as long as it’s there to teach you something.

23) Millionaires have the will to win: if you have the will to win, then you are already a winner halfway. All millionaires start by becoming winners in mind. You all have to be ready to run the whole race and finish it. Don’t start something that you know very well you won’t finish. The end is not the beginning. The end is a little challenging because you have already gone through so many challenges and this may cause many people to end up giving up or quitting. We should all have the will to win.

24) Millionaires have confidence in their own opinion: if you don’t believe in your own opinion then nobody else will believe in it. Millionaires make a choice that their opinion is the one that matters and it’s the one that comes first. Millionaires are good listeners but at the same time they make sure that as they listen to people judge their opinions they themselves have supported them first. We should all believe in our opinions, stand by them and not let anybody bring them down.
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